Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Smores on a School Night??!!

Yesterday after work Justin decided to burn a pile of brush in the woods behind our house. Well the boys thought it would be a great opportunity to roast hot dogs and make smores!! So I ran to the store and bought the stuff we needed. The kids thought it was so cool to do this on a school night. I think it is good for kids to see that parents can be spontaneous too!! The dogs had a great time also because Gavin dropped a couple hot dogs and at least a half a dozen marshmallows!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


We went to my parents house in Highland for the weekend so my boys trick or treated a few of my parents friends' homes on Fri evening. We went to my parents' church's Fall Fling on Sat evening which was lots of fun for the kids. Ryley got to shoot cans with a paintball gun so now of course he wants one for Christmas, but no way is he getting one!! Maybe when he's older. Ryley & Justin went deer hunting Sat morning but they didn't even see any deer. Oh well maybe next time!! I forgot to take my camera this weekend but I did take s
ome pics with my mom's camera. maybe one of these days I'll get copies of them!! Anyway these pics are of the hayride at our church's fall festival & go with the last post.


We had a great time at our church's fall festival & hayride Sat evening. It was perfect weather! My mom was here with us because she stayed with the boys while we had our short anniversary trip. Gavin did his best to abuse her by telling her she has a big butt! She wasn't too upset & actually thought it was funny!! But other than that she said they had lots of fun. She & Beda (Aunt Belinda) took my boys & their cousins (Beda's grandsons) Kade & Kaleb to Chuck E. Cheese for lunch.

Happy 10th Anniversary to Us!!

Believe it or not--on Oct 24th Justin & I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary!! I know we don't seem that old! We had planned a romantic weekend at a Bartee Meadow Bed & Breakfast in Hot Springs-complete with massages, pinic lunches, and dinner cruise--but Ryley's taekwondo testing turned out to be in conflict with that plan--& as parents we have to sacrifice--they'll be all grown up too soon!! So we went to Memphis & spent the night in the hotel that we stayed in on our wedding night. We had to wait until Ryley's taekwondo testing was over so it was 10:30pm by the time we got to Houston's to eat dinner--but it was worth it. When we got to the hotel Justin surprised me with a beautiful white gold 3 stone ring. I was really surprised because I had hinted all summer that I would like a white gold wedding set & he kept insisting that he was not buying one right now & I believed him. Little did I know he purchased mine back in June!! I'd post a pic of it but I forgot to take one & it's at the jeweler's being sized right now--oh how I miss it!! We spent Sat. morning shopping at Bass Pro then headed home to get ready for our church's fall festival & hay ride. Here's to another wonderful 10 years!!

Ryley's Taekwondo Testing

Ryley tested for his yellow belt on Oct 24th. He did awesome!! I am so proud of him!! He has diligently practiced the 19 step form & 5 1 steps that are at 4-5 steps each. I think this is quite an accomplishment for less than 2 months of lessons. He will find out Thursday if he passed or not. I'm sure he did from talking to his instructor. He's so excited!!